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세무, 회계

영문 회계용어 (회계영문 계정과목)

인터넷기장 2023. 11. 20. 09:30

가수금 suspense receipt

가지급금 provisional payments

감각상각 충당금 accr. depreciation

감각상각비 depreciation

건설가계정 construction in progress

결손금 처리계산서 appropriation of retained loss

경상이익 ordinary income

고정자산 fixed assets

고정자산처분손실 loss on disposition of fixed assets

고정자산처분이익 gain on disposition of fixed assets

공구기구 tools & instrument

관계회사대여금 loans to affiliated companies

관계회사유가증권 other equity investments in affiliated companies

관세선급금 prepaid expenses of tariff

광고선전 advertising

구축물 structures

급료 employees salary & wage

기말제품재고액 ending inventory of finished goods

기업합리화적립금 reserve for business rationalization

기여금 donations

기초재공품 재고액 beginning inventory of work in process

기초제품 재고액 beginning inventory of finished goods

단기대여금 short term loans

단기차입금 short term borrowing

당기말미처분이익잉여금 unappropriated retained earnings at end of year

당기매입액 current purchase

당기순이익 current net income

제품제조원가 cost of goods manufactured

당좌자산 quick assets

당좌차월 bank overdrafts

대손총당금전입 provision for bad debts

대손충당금 allowance for bad debts

대차대조표 balance sheet

매출액 net sales

매출에누리와 환입액 sales allowance and returns

매출원가 cost of sales

매출총이익 gross profit

매출할인 sales discounts

무형고정자산 intangible fixed assets

미수금 other receivable

미수수익 accrued income

미지급금 account payable

미지급배당금 unpaid dividends payable

미지급법인세 accrued income taxes

미지급법인세 accrued taxes

미지급비용 accrued expenses

받을어음 trade note receivable

발행주식수 Number of stock issued

법인세차감전순이익 income before income taxes

별도적립금 separate reserve

보통주식 common stock

복리후생비 welfare

부도어음 dishonored notes

부분품 parts processed

부속명세서 annexed notes to the financial statements

부채 liabilities

비품 furniture

사채발행비 bond issue costs

사채발행비상각 amortization of debenture issue costs

사채이자 interest expense on debentures

사채할인발행차금상각 amortization of debenture discount

사채할인발행차익금 discount on bonds issued

상표권 trademarks

선급금 advance payments to customers

선급비용 prepaid expenses

선수금 advance from customers

선수수익 deferred income

소모품 consumables

손익계산서 loss & profit statement

수권주식수 authorized shares

수선비 repairs & maintenance

수입미착기계 machinery in transit

수입미착품 materials in transit

수입배당금 dividend income

수입보증금 disclosure of deposits

수입이자 및 할인율 interest & discounts earned

수입임대료 rental income

수정 후 전기이월 이익잉여금 adjusted prior year unappropriated retained earnings

시설적립금 reserve for facilities improvement

신주발행비 new stock issue costs

신주발행비상각 amortization of new stock issue costs

신탁계정 trust account

실용신안권 utility model patents

연구개발비 R&D costs

영업가치 goodwill

영업보증금 operating guarantee deposits

영업외비용 non-operating expense

영업외수익 non-operating income

영업외수익 operating income

예수금 withholdings

예치보증금 guarantee deposits

완제품 finished goods

외상매입금 trade accounts payable

외상매출금 trade accounts receivable

외주가공비 sub-contract process

외화단기차입금 short-term borrowing foreign currencies

외환차손 loss on foreign exchange translation

외환차익 gains on foreign currency transactions

외환평가손실 loss on foreign exchange translation

외환평가이익 gains on foreign exchange translation

요주의 special care

원자재 raw materials

유가증권 marketable securities

유가증권이자 interest on securities

유가증권처분이익 gains on disposition of marketable securities

유동성사채 current portion of debent

유동성외화장기차입금 current portion of long-term foreign exchange borrowings

유동자산 current assets

유형고정자산 tangible fixed assets

의장권 design rights

이연자산 deferred charges

이익잉여금 retained earnings

이익잉여금합계 total retained earnings

이익준비금 legal reserve

임원급료 directors' compensation/officers salary

임차보증금 leasehold deposits

자기사채 treasury bonds

자본 stock holders equity

자본금 capital stock

자본잉여금 capital surplus

자본잉여급합계 total capital surplus

자본준비금 capital reserve

자본총계 total stockholders' equity

자산 assets

잡손실 misc. loss

잡이익 misc. income

장기미지급금 long-term account payable

장기차입금 long-term debts

재고자산 inventories

재공품 work in process

재무구조개선적립금 reserve for financial structure improvement

재평가적립금 asset revaluation surplus

저장품 supplies

전신전화전용시설이용권 tlx & telephone exclusive use rights

전화가입권 telephone rights

점포관리 branch management

접대비 entertainment

정오표 errata

제설비 other facilities

제세공과 taxes &dues

주식발행초과금 paid-in capital in excess of par value

주주, 임원, 종업원단기대여금 shareholder, director, employee short term loans

지금어음 trade notes payable

지급수수료 fee & charges

지급이자 interest & discounts expenses

차기이율이익잉여금 retained earnings to be carried forward

차량유지비 vehicle maintenance

총매출액 gross sales

추진계획 action plan

출자금 other equity investments

통관비 customs clearance

퇴직급여충당금 severance indemnities

퇴직급여충당금전입액 provision for severance indemnities

퇴직보험예치금 deposit for retirement insurance

투자유가증권 investments securities

투자자산 investments

투자자산평가손 loss on investment valuation

특별손실 extraordinary losses

특별이익 extraordinary gains

특정예금 restricted cash & deposits

특허권 patent rights

판매비와 관리비 adm. & marketing expenses

판매장려금 sales commissions

해외시장개척비 overseas marketing expenses

해외시장개척준비금 reserve for establishing overseas market

환율조정차상각 amortization of deferred foreign exchange loss

환율조정차상각 deferred foreign exchange losses

회사채 corporate bond

회수의문 손실 doubtable loss


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이카운트ERP 계정과목 작업(영문계정과목/업종에맞는계정과목) (tistory.com)


